Arru Arabana kari
Nikki ananthara-kunha wadlhu, arni pankirdaUrrkari Nikki ngurra-nga
Arru, welcome Arabana People
This is our home site. We are glad you are here.
On behalf of the Arabana Aboriginal Corporation,
We welcome you to our website.
This website is for Traditional Owners of Arabana Country to learn, share and engage with our culture, Country and people.
If you want to know more about Arabana Country, our people and culture, please contact us.
Arabana Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC (ICN7729)
The Arabana Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC (ICN 7729) is the
Registered Native Title Body Corporate
that adminsters lands and waters on behalf of the Arabana people.
For a technical description of what we do, please follow this link to the Arabana Aboriginal Corporation page on the
The Arabana Aboriginal Corporation is governed by a Board of Directors.
There are currently 12 members of the Board of Directors.
The primary way to contact the Arabana Aboriginal Corporation is
Ph: 08 8641 1583
We are in the process of transferring administrative duties back to within the AAC.
The Arabana Aboriginal Corporation engages
Camatta Lempens to provide administrative assistance.
Our main contact at Camatta Lempens is Stephen Kenny.