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  • jshaw047

Congratulations to Arabana-Owned Business Finalists at the Business Port Pirie Annual Awards 2024!

We'd like to share the fantastic news from Business Port Pirie about the finalists for this year’s Annual Business Awards. This event is all about celebrating the hard work, innovation, and excellence in our local business scene.

Among the standout submissions, we’re especially proud to give a shout-out to the Indigenous business finalists who’ve shown incredible achievements and contributions.

Indigenous Business Finalists:

A massive congratulations to Nullar Stuart Enterprises, an Arabana-owned business, for making it to the finals. This recognition is a true testament to their hard work, resilience, and commitment to excellence. Nullar Stuart Enterprises isn’t just excelling in their field; they’re also inspiring other Indigenous businesses and the wider community.

Good luck at the BPP Awards Night, held 20 September 2024, you can read more information here:

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