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Exciting Discovery at Finniss Springs!


Back in October, during the Language Camp, the Rangers and Arabana mob set up cameras at a sandhill on Finniss Springs in hopes of capturing images of the rare Mulgara. After previous trips where tracks were spotted, the Rangers knew this was the right spot to monitor. And They've got some exciting results to share!

They captured some adorable footage, including a playful dingo pup running in front of the camera. But the highlight was the Mulgara – spotted running away with its black-tipped tail visible!

They also captured an unusual unknown animal from the images captured – definitely something to investigate further!

Unfortunately, they also caught a cat, which is not great for the ecosystem, but the Rangers are already planning to set up more cameras and cat traps in the near future (rain delayed their plans a bit).

It’s an exciting step forward in the Arabana Ranger efforts to monitor and protect this beautiful and important part of Arabana Country.

Stay tuned for more updates as the Rangers continue their important work at Finniss Springs!



© 2016 Arabana Aboriginal Corporation

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