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"Falling Between the Cracks" - Arabana Aboriginal Corporation Presents at the AIATSIS Summit in Naarm


Representatives from Arabana Aboriginal Corporation attended the AIATSIS Summit in Naarm this past week.

There were many standouts including celebrating 60 years of AIATSIS and learning about where it all started, hearing about new Traditional Owner led renewable energy projects and many more exciting initiatives that Traditional Owner groups are involved in across the country.

The highlight was most definitely our presentation; Falling Between the Cracks - Culture, History and Water Governance in the Kati-Thanda Lake Eyre Basin with Prof Melissa Nursey-Bray to a full house and lots of passionate conversation after the session.

Advocating that water is life for Arabana people, Chairperson Bronwyn Dodd said “We want to see a change to the indenture act, we want a position at the table of decision makers, of people taking water that impact our Country. We want to guide and work in partnership with these mob. We have a legacy that our old people have passed to us.”

Following on from our presentation, your views are welcomed on a draft park management plan for Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre National Park and Elliot Price Conservation Park.

The plan outlines the objectives for the long-term management of these parks and were created with input from First Nations, key stakeholders, park managers and technical experts.

It aims to ensure they are managed to conserve their important values; recognise, protect, promote and build community respect for Arabana and Dieri people as the traditional owners and custodians of Country; and welcome park visitors to enjoy and learn about the parks.

You can read the draft plan and take the survey at:

Consultation closes on 19 July



© 2016 Arabana Aboriginal Corporation

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