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  • jshaw047

Government Commits to Doubling the Nation's Ranger Programs!

Our Arabana Rangers recently attended the 'Dangkal Gwo'yal-wa' the First Nations Land and Water Management Forum 2024 in Darwin, a five-day event filled with valuable experiences.

During the forum, our rangers took part in various activities, including a cultural walk and a visit to Crocodylus Park, gaining insights into Larrakia culture and connecting with the land.

The forum focused on protecting our land and water, highlighting the vital roles that rangers play.

A key moment was the Australian Minister for Indigenous Australians, Malarndirri McCarthy, announcing a federal commitment to doubling the nation's ranger programs — a big win for our communities!

Pictured are our Arabana Rangers: Hayden, Aamish, Stanley, Zaaheer and Tristan.

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