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On Country at Finniss: Arabana Rangers Team Up with Arid Recovery for Native Animal Trapping and Conservation


From the 16th to 20th of September 2024, the Arabana Rangers were on Country at Finniss, conducting native animal trapping in collaboration with the Arid Recovery team from Roxby Downs. This partnership allowed for an exchange of knowledge and skills, enriching the work on Country and strengthening conservation efforts.

Using safe and non-invasive trapping methods like Elliot and Pitfall traps, the rangers set up at various sites on Finniss to monitor the local wildlife. While no marsupials were caught this time, the team successfully captured and released several skinks, geckos, and dragons. One exciting discovery was a colony of gidgee skinks—a positive find for the team.

In addition to trapping, the rangers placed camera traps at several sites on Finniss to observe the wildlife. They’ll return in a few weeks to see what these cameras have captured, providing further insights into the biodiversity of the area.

Another important project during the trip was the setup of a song meter, in collaboration with staff from SAAL, to record any presence of the critically endangered Plains Wanderer, a small bird that may be present on Finniss.

The Arabana Rangers extend their heartfelt thanks to the Arid Recovery team for joining them on Country and for sharing their expertise. Collaborations like this are key to protecting our environment and preserving the natural heritage of Arabana Country.



© 2016 Arabana Aboriginal Corporation

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