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Supporting Mound Springs Conservation: Arabana Rangers & Friends of Mound Springs Ongoing Collaboration

The Friends of Mound Springs (FOMS) was established in 2006 to support the conservation and management of the mound springs of Far North South Australia. Under the umbrella of Friends of Parks Inc., FOMS has attracted a diverse membership, including researchers, government personnel, and other enthusiasts, both locally and interstate.

FOMS collaborates with the South Australian Department for Environment and Water to manage springs within the Parks network, such as Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park. Additionally, they promote and support research and protection efforts for mound springs outside the parks network, working with pastoral lessees and other interest groups.

Key projects have included protective works at the Peake Overland Telegraph station, construction of walking trails, installation of interpretive signage, and fencing of twelve springs at Levi Springs to exclude stock. FOMS also provides input on proposed developments that could impact mound springs.

From 2013 to 2016, FOMS participated in the Desert Jewels Project with the Department of Environment, Water, and Natural Resources to enhance management practices for mound springs. They continue to work closely with the Department in identifying high-priority springs and developing protection programs.

Our Arabana Ranger Team, established in late 2019, has been a vital partner to FOMS, offering ongoing and recent support in their conservation efforts. The Arabana Rangers have actively participated in various projects and will continue to work closely with FOMS to ensure the preservation of these significant natural and cultural heritage sites on Arabana land.

We encourage you to support FOMS by becoming a member and joining us in our efforts to protect these unique natural and cultural heritage sites.

For more information and to sign up, visit the Friends of Mound Springs website:

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